The case manager for the A-2 housing unit threatened an inmate with assault and battery when the AIC went to the manager’s office between 8 and 9 a.m. to deliver his release information (who will pick him up) for his upcoming departure from prison. This inmate has been overdue for an FSA release since December 5, and case manager has yet to submit his paperwork. When Sherman (the inmate) went to his office with the info, the case manager became irate, chased him to his cell and locked him in, cussing and threatening him the whole time. (He threatened him with physical beating, saying things like “I’ll kick your ass.”
Other AICs attempted to get the unit CO and on-duty lieutenants to intervene, but none would. When another guy went into the lieutenant’s office, he was told “just be glad it’s not you” and “you should should mind your own business.”
This is the same case manager who has been verbally abusive in the past when inmates complained about him refusing to do his job. This guy is both emotionally and mentally unstable. It is only a matter of time before he does something irrevocable.