Prison Pulse Report

Sheridan FCI cancelled all recidivism-lowering ACE classes after one AIC cut a DVD HDMI cord. Staff says they have no funding to replace the cord, which costs just $12! Those are the only classes this place offers to lower our risk levels. In addition, staff put out a memo saying if your unit does not score at least a 70% on a weekly inspection, everyone in it will only be able to buy over-the-counter medications, hygiene items and stamps at commissary that week. And this morning something happened in one of the units at around 8:30 a.m. and we all got locked down for THAT, making our visitors wait until 11 for us. It is easy to see why so many guys here are at the end of their ropes and acting the way they are. The tension is up and only getting worse.
April 2024


FCI Sheridan


Collective Punishment