Prison Pulse Report

There are no vending machines in the visiting room, which makes visiting really hard for children. In addition, there is nothing for children to do (no games, books or TV to watch). AND inmates must sit six feet apart from their visitors, which really makes it hard to have intimate conversation. The hours are supposed to be from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. I say "supposed to be" because they do not even start processing people until 8 and visitors are lucky if they get to see their loved one by 8:30. Actually, that is RARE; it is usually closer to 8:45 or 9 before the first visitors are called back. We are only allowed a visit one day every other weekend. Visits are Saturday, Sunday and federal holidays, but they rotate them by building. Each weekend day is assigned to a different unit. For example, last weekend was for Unit 2 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. Monday was a holiday, so that was for Unit 4. This coming weekend will be Unit 1 on Saturday and Unit 2 unit on Sunday.
September 2024


FCI Sheridan


External Communication