Prison Pulse Report

This place is a relic. It can’t handle all these people. The population was supposed to be half of what it is. Once they decided to put two people in a cell, he pipes got overworked. We need a health inspection here badly. Consider:

–Every day, there are water pipes that break. Whenever it rains hard, we have major leaks all over the compound. Medical seems to have a leak on the third floor any time it rains,. The pipes in A-1 spring leaks all the time, like today. I am helping keep the water from going all over the place. There are so many leaks on a weekly basis, that the inmates who repair the plumbing get mad because they are always being called out for emergencies.

–There have been many occasions when human waste has backed up into the chow hall drains, right onto the floors. You can smell it. The sewage pipes in this compound are very old and rusty.

–We also have asbestus in the ceiling in the main corridor, which is highly illegal. There is most likely lead and arsenic in the water; it tastes really bad. It will makes us sick sometimes.

–Oh yeah…Outside workers came and have been putting in new sprinklers and fire alarms. The only problem is, if there was a fire, they would not work. The sprinklers and alarms are not turned on. We would be sitting ducks if there was a big fire.

July 2024


FCI Atlanta

