The Criminal Underworld: a World Without Fathers

The Criminal Underworld: a World Without Fathers

During my son’s first birthday celebration, I was seated in a loathsome, cramped and filthy holding cell in the D.C. Superior Court, on trial to fight charges of armed kidnapping and first-degree murder of a street associate. I can vaguely recall hearing the lead...
I Dream of Freedom

I Dream of Freedom

Note from Pam Bailey, co-founder of More Than Our Crimes: One day, I asked Gezo what his passion is, and this was his response: Passion? I guess that could be what I mostly muse about. I daydream mostly about my manumission. I dream of being with my family. I remember...
A Life Sentence for Drug Dealing?

A Life Sentence for Drug Dealing?

I am the product of a loving marriage between my African-American father and Korean mother. (My father gave my sister and me African names: My sister’s is Sheba and mine is from an Ashanti king. But both of our middle names are Korean: Gueong. I added “El” – which...